
Deel je geloof, Discipleship, Share your faith


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How to share hope with the people around you? – Do it! with Solomon Dimitriadis

Do it! – Sharing Hope in Christ – March 4



March 4, 2023

Our main speaker is Solomon Dimitriadis. He will speak about witnessing.
Witnessing for Jesus is easier when we overcome some obstacles we have:
What if I offend? What if I am rejected? What if they ask a question I can’t answer?
We can learn to witness for Jesus by having meaningful conversations in natural, conversational and creative ways. Come to learn together.
Solomon works as a student worker at StudentLife (Agape). He comes from Greece, but was raised in Germany. “‘I became a follower of Jesus Christ in 1988. I consider this the most important decision of my life. To know Jesus is my first priority. My passion in the student ministry is to make Jesus known to as many students as possible and disciple them so they become committed followers of Christ. I want to help students see that the Christian faith is a reasonable and evidence-based faith, and that it is the most coherent world-view with the most meaningful answers to life’s biggest questions.”


09.30                  Tea & Coffee

10.00-10.30       Prayer & Worship & Welcome

10.30-12.00       “Sharing hope in Christ” with Solomon Dimitriadis

12.00-13.00       Lunch

13.00-14.00       Workshop “Biblical questions”

14.00-14.30       Tea & Coffee

14.30-15.30       Workshop “Listening well through an interview” or “How to share your testimony”

15.30-16.00       Feedback & Prayer


Practical information:

  • Location & time: Utrecht, Plompetorengracht 1, 9.30 am – 4 pm
  • Participation is free and lunch is included (free).

Interested? Sign-up for this event!

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Deel je geloof, Discipleship, Share your faith



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44 mensen gingen je voor

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